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Vito enables you to manage your installed PHP versions and even switch between them.

Install new PHP

You can install other PHP versions alongside your current PHP versions and you can have all of them in your server of course.

Default PHP Cli

Although you can have only one default PHP Cli which can be called by php command on the server. Here you can switch the default cli version.

Edit php.ini

Under the Actions dropdown of each PHP version you can Edit it's php.ini. This will fetch the ini file from the server and enables you to modify and after you are done with it, It will upload the new php.ini into the server and restarts the php-fpm.


You have this option always to restart each PHP FPM service in the PHP page or in the Services page.


Vito gives you this option of uninstalling a specific PHP version.


If you have a site running with the PHP that you want to uninstall, You need to first change the PHP version of the website first.

You can read more here

Install PHP Extensions

Vito supports some of the PHP extensions and enables you to install them.

To install a new PHP extension you can go to the PHP page and for each PHP version you can click on the Actions dropdown and Install a new extension.

Available extensions to install:

  • imagick
  • exif
  • gmagick
  • gmp
  • intl
  • opcache

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